Hanging out at the Dairy

Hanging out at the Dairy
Darci(far left) & the Wrights at the Creamery

Friday, February 17, 2012

Finding the Lovely-(week 3)

Hello friends!
My apologies for being a bit tardy in posting...I've been learning about Instagram and Photoshake in anticipation of joining in on the Finding the Lovely ladies who have been sharing their smart phone photos each Friday in February!

My understanding of this exercise/connection/group is to be more cognizant of the little things, the "lovelies" in life and capture them in the moment via your smartphones. My learning curve of the new tools took me awhile, but I finally caught on. Tenacity has it's perks sometimes!

They're a very talented and seemingly tech savvy group, so I wanted to bring my "A game" to this post. It's my 1st "Lovely" post although it's week 3 for the group started by Kimberly Taylor and Jeannie Oliver. I might be late to the party but hopefully will add something "lovely" to the mix!

Sunset through the Russian sage @ Crescent Bar, WA via iPhone

Full disclosure: my blog photos have all from my iPhone but I hadn't yet dabbled in Instagram or even heard of Photoshake and was really curious about these tools after following many of the burgeoning group of "Finding the Lovely" ladies' blogs;

1. full senses
2. A Lovely Week
3. Week 2; Object of my affection
4. Finding The Lovely{Week Two}
5. Finding the Lovely
6. Gyspy Brocante
7. Finding the Lovely Part Deux
8. danielle muller
9. Just Pipi
10.Flower Power
11. Dream, Create, Inspire
12. Some Great Photos
13. Isn't It Lovely Part Deux
14. katie @ the terpblog
15. Thefinderskeeper
16. Red Letter Days
17. It's My Life & I Love It
18. Valentines Instagram
19. abundant picnic {love}

Have fun. 
Be present.  Learn. Be inspired. Bookmark. Add to favorites. Click through. Escape.   

I LOVE to see images and read stories of other peoples' lives. It's entertaining to me to see what they choose to share, what hobbies they engage in, if they have a business or where they live. I'm richer for the experience of blogging and especially by reading others'.

My Valentine's Day cookies via iPhone & Instagram

This last week was lovelier, browsing through the "Lovely" blogs and keeping my iPhone close for those moments that resonated with me.  I hope you find them somewhere between nostalgic, cute, visually stimulating and appetizing. I did.

Here is my collage of images via my iPhone, Instagram and Photoshake. They include nature,
my girlfriend's chickens, food (of course), family, my favorite places, one of my two dachshunds and a Christmas ornament my youngest brother brought me from his travels in Germany.

Let me know what you think if you'd like...I'm interested in your feedback!

My 1st iPhone, Instagram and Photoshake collage!

If you'd like to join the "Finding the Lovely" group, see Jeanne's blog link. There's one more February Friday for us to post together.

It's been a fun week stretching my limits, checking out other "Lovely blogsites" and learning how to use new tools. Here's to finding something that captures your interest and following it, wherever it leads...

Daffodils preparing for their Spring debut via iPhone & Instagram

Chow for now my friends!

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